Respect the dignity and worth of all individuals
Provide quality services in a caring, non-judgmental manner- Encourage the development of full potential & individual responsibility in the areas of living, learning, working parenting & socializing
Work cooperatively with other community resources

Pathways Developmental Services is an independent mental health and wellness company, specializes in counseling for all behavioral health issues, chemical dependency diagnoses and strengthening families.
Pathways Developmental Services, a private for-profit,
community based mental health corporation, committed to assisting children and families by providing competent counseling to all individuals. Pathways Developmental Services, Inc. seeks to fulfill its mission through partnerships with other human service programs such as Community Service Boards, schools, courts, probation officers, churches, hospitals, and various other agencies in the community.
Pathways Developmental Services Inc. believes that counseling and treatment should be administered in a therapeutically trusting environment that enhances the personal dignity of children and families. We strive to represent the family's wishes, individual goals and maximize opportunities for involvement and self-determination in planning and following through with home-based services as well as utilizing the Tele-Counseling to enhance services. We are committed to maintaining the integrity of the family.
Pathways Developmental Services, Inc. prefers to provide services that focus on the entire family unit rather than on individuals. This goal is to empower and strengthen families, prevent family fragmentation and ensure children and adolescents remain in their homes. The family unit is a powerful social institution that should be protected, supported, nourished and maintained whenever possible. The care and treatment of children and families in their own homes offers a comprehensive therapeutic advantage that cannot be offered in traditional office based therapy sessions.
Pathways Developmental Services Inc. provides counseling and treatment approaches developed at the least restrictive level of care deemed appropriate for the client.
Our counselors emphasize working with juveniles and families
to seek positive solutions to issues. Our training in the structural family approach helps us view each juvenile and family individually and develop unique service plans for each client by building on their identified strengths.
Pathways Developmental Services, Inc. will implement a balanced approach in the design and delivery of treatment services, which includes consideration for community protection, accountability, and competency development. Our approach utilizes a system of accountability within a context that allows juveniles to acquire the knowledge, skills, and abilities to function in a socially acceptable manner within the community. Ultimately, Pathways Developmental Services, Inc. will develop competence in our youth that will provide each with positive alternatives to past choices.
Pathways Developmental Services, a private for-profit,

Pathways Developmental Services Inc. believes that counseling and treatment should be administered in a therapeutically trusting environment that enhances the personal dignity of children and families. We strive to represent the family's wishes, individual goals and maximize opportunities for involvement and self-determination in planning and following through with home-based services as well as utilizing the Tele-Counseling to enhance services. We are committed to maintaining the integrity of the family.
Pathways Developmental Services, Inc. prefers to provide services that focus on the entire family unit rather than on individuals. This goal is to empower and strengthen families, prevent family fragmentation and ensure children and adolescents remain in their homes. The family unit is a powerful social institution that should be protected, supported, nourished and maintained whenever possible. The care and treatment of children and families in their own homes offers a comprehensive therapeutic advantage that cannot be offered in traditional office based therapy sessions.
Pathways Developmental Services Inc. provides counseling and treatment approaches developed at the least restrictive level of care deemed appropriate for the client.
Our counselors emphasize working with juveniles and families

Pathways Developmental Services, Inc. will implement a balanced approach in the design and delivery of treatment services, which includes consideration for community protection, accountability, and competency development. Our approach utilizes a system of accountability within a context that allows juveniles to acquire the knowledge, skills, and abilities to function in a socially acceptable manner within the community. Ultimately, Pathways Developmental Services, Inc. will develop competence in our youth that will provide each with positive alternatives to past choices.
Featured Counseling Services

Alcohol and Drug AbuseFrequent intoxication, Altered personality/behavior, Change in friends, Deteriorating relationships
Animal-Assisted TherapyAnimals are tools for therapy because they can make people feel safe and loved when they have been deprived of social interaction or hurt by other people.
Anger ManagementUncontrollable Rage, Constant agression, Inability to resolve issues, Frequent hostility
Delinquent BehaviorsViolence, Gang Activity, Defiance, Rebellion
Depression and AnxietyThoughts of death/suicide, Feelings of worthlessness, Withdrawl, Severe fatigue, Sudden weight loss
Employee Assistance ProgramsSubstance abuse, Safe working environment, Emotional distress, Major life events, including births, accidents and deaths, Health care concerns, Financial or legal concerns, Family/personal relationship issues, Work relationship issues, Concerns about aging parents
Executive Counseling/CoachingCoaching, support, clinical therapy, and crisis intervention to executives, celebrities and professional athletes.
Grief and LossDealing with loss, Help with Healing, Support group, Adjustment to new life
In-Home CounselingEarly intervention, Family conflict, 24 hour crisis intervention
Individual Counseling/Family Counselingclinical therapy to those that are seeking solutions to life challenges and stressful situations
Life Skills GroupSocialization, Money Management, Health, Hygiene, Grocery Shopping, Housekeeping
Marriage/Couples ConflictRelationship therapy, Problematic issues, Intimacy, Conflict resolution
Spiritual Advice: Spiritual Growth and DevelopmentThe focus of this service involves pastoral care and counseling as youth, to receive psycho-educational group and individual counseling addressing problems and begin the process of mending and healing of individuals, families, groups and communities
Substance Abuse CounselingObsessive compulsive disorder to HIV/AIDS and depression
TeleCounseling/Online Counseling/eTharapyPrivate Online Chat, Phone Counseling, Email Sessions
Trauma Response CounselingAbuse; Domestic Violence, Witness Violent Crime; Sever accident; Natural Disaster; Sudden Death; War or Terrorism